• Portrait of the 3rd president of KAA, Takhoon Kim. He is sitting at a slight angle, his gaze directed straight ahead. He has a striped sweater on, along with a scarf wrapped snugly around his neck. His face is adorned with a warm smile.

    3대 총동문회 회장

    김탁훈, 2007 MFA Computer Arts

    (현) 중앙대학교 첨단영상대학원 교수

    (현) Tak Toon Enterprise 애니메이션 감독

  • Portrait of the 2nd president of KAA, Seowon Park. He confidently smiles while crossing his arms and looking straight ahead. He is wearing a white shirt.

    2대 총동문회 회장

    박서원, 2008 BFA Advertising,

    (전) 오리콤 부사장

  • Portrait of the 1st president of KAA, Myoungduck Seo. It's a close-up photo showing only the face and shoulders. He is looking directly at the camera with a subtle smile. He is wearing a neat suit.

    1대 총동문회장

    서명덕, 1992 MFA Illustration

    (전) 상명대학교 총장