2022 SVA Alumni Networking Party행사: 2022 총동문회 일시: 11월 11일 (금) 오후 6-9시장소: 웨스틴조선호텔 (서울 중구 소공로 106) There are 8 males and females gathered around a blue signboard that says "SVA NYC," striking poses. . One male and two females are looking at the camera, smiling, to take a picture of happy moment. Here is the overall view of the alumni event. Multiple white round tables are placed, and around each table, there are approximately nine alumni seated. Former Alumni Association President Kim Tak-hoon and Alumni Affairs Director Jane Nuzzo are posing together on the stage. The screen displays "Alumni Affairs Director Jane Nuzzo." Former Alumni Association President Kim Tak-hoon and Alumni Affairs Director Jane Nuzzo are posing together on the stage. The screen displays "Alumni Affairs Director Jane Nuzzo." Andrew Chang, holding a mint-colored box, and Jane Nuzzo, the Alumni Affairs Director, are posing together on the stage. The screen displays "Alumni Affairs Director Jane Nuzzo." Andrew Chang is giving a speech on the podium, and Kim Yeonji, another alumni, is looking towards the right side. Former alumni association president Kim Takhoon and Andrew Chang are posing on the stage while holding plaques. In the background, there is a banner that reads: "To Andrew Chang, who has been a great support for Korean students and alumni while working at the School of Visual Arts, with respect and gratitude, presented this plaque. November 11, 2022, Korean Alumni Association of School of Visual Arts." The newly elected alumni association president, Kim Gyewon, is delivering a speech on the podium. He is dressed in a formal attire as he addresses the audience. There are 15 males and females gathered around a blue signboard that says "SVA NYC," striking poses. The female on the far right in the front is holding up a camera to take a selfie. On the podium, there is a female wearing a black outfit, giving a speech. On the left side, there is a screen playing an animation. Twenty five men and women are posing on the stage. In the background, there is a red banner that reads "School of Visual Arts Korean Alumni," and in front of it, there is a blue-red combination signboard with white letters that says "SVANYC." On top of the signboard, there are golden alphabet balloons hanging. Twenty eight men and women are posing on the stage. In the background, there is a red banner that reads "School of Visual Arts Korean Alumni," and in front of it, there is a blue-red combination signboard with white letters that says "SVANYC." On top of the signboard, there are golden alphabet balloons hanging. Twenty nine men and women are posing on the stage. In the background, there is a red banner that reads "School of Visual Arts Korean Alumni," and in front of it, there is a blue-red combination signboard with white letters that says "SVANYC." On top of the signboard, there are golden alphabet balloons hanging. Twenty nine men and women are posing on the stage. In the background, there is a red banner that reads "School of Visual Arts Korean Alumni," and in front of it, there is a blue-red combination signboard with white letters that says "SVANYC." On top of the signboard, there are golden alphabet balloons hanging. Twenty eight men and women are posing on the stage. In the background, there is a red banner that reads "School of Visual Arts Korean Alumni," and in front of it, there is a blue-red combination signboard with white letters that says "SVANYC." On top of the signboard, there are golden alphabet balloons hanging. Eleven men and women are posing on the stage. In the background, there is a red banner that reads "School of Visual Arts Korean Alumni," and in front of it, there is a blue-red combination signboard with white letters that says "SVANYC." On top of the signboard, there are golden alphabet balloons hanging. Four men and women are posing. In the background, there is a red banner that reads "School of Visual Arts Korean Alumni," and there are golden alphabet balloons hanging. Six men and women are posing. There is a red banner in the background that reads "School of Visual Arts Korean Alumni."