2016 SVA Alumni Networking Party2016 총동문회 Alumni Affairs Director, Jane Nuzzo, is delivering her speech to the audience. She is wearing a black cardigan and has a tiny flower bouquet in her pocket. A panoramic view of the entire alumni party. Around 120 people are divided into groups of 10, sitting around round tables, engaging in conversations. Another panoramic view of the entire alumni party. Roughly 120 attendees are organized into clusters of ten, positioned around circular tables, immersed in dialogue and exchanges. During the alumni party, people are applauding while looking at the stage. Andrew Chang and Jane Nuzzo are seated at the round table, engrossed in a conversation while looking at documents. Among the alumni gathered around the round table, President Seo Myung-deok, the alumni association president, is standing at the front with a microphone, delivering a speech. During the alumni event, one woman is receiving an award. Another woman is presenting her with a prize. In front of the stage adorned with an SVA NYC banner, there is a man wearing a black suit holding a microphone. He lifts the hem of his pants, revealing sky blue socks. To his left, there is a man wearing a checked shirt, smiling. Fifteen graduates and Alumni Affairs Director, Jane Nuzzo, are striking poses for a photo behind the round table. Three women are striking a pose while holding alphabet balloons. The balloons spell out "S.Y.C.A."